Silage is any grass, such as corn or millet crop, or any other plant that is chopped into small pieces, added inoculant agents, and compacted together in a silo, bunker, bags, or made into
bales. Silos and bunkers are for large captive consumption, whereas bags and bales are smaller chunks of silage that can be easily transported to various farms. It is important to feed a balanced and appropriate feed
to obtain increased milk and meat from animals. In Bangladesh, we can not get the best production from animals because of feed shortages.
Corn silage is one of the best green fodders used in the dairy industry across the world. It is very nutritious with 8-9% protein and 3000Kcal/kg digestible energy. The quality of our silage is superior to any other available green grass.
To feed the livestock sector on the scarcity of green fodder and to ensure proper nutrition of the productive animals, Agrow started Premium Silage Production. On Silage Production Agrow confirms the highest nutritional value on the silage using the latest technology in silage making. The quality is assured from field to silage by several laboratory tests.